Your search for the adverb doochǫǫł --- dooleeł ridiculous, repulsive
has returned 3 entries

doochǫǫł --- dooleeł

Doochǫǫł ’át’éego ha’éé’ bik’íhizhdizheeh dooleeł.

ridiculous 3-be.NI-GO 4-clothes 4-spit.P FUT

It is ridiculous (intolerable) for a person to spit on his clothing.

Shicheii t’áá sáhí ’átsą́ą́’ ’ałtso yoolghal --- doochǫǫł ’át’éego ’ajilghał dooleeł!

1-grandpa just himself rib whole 3-chew.P ridiculous 3-be.NI-GO SER-3-ate.DI FUT

My grandfather ate the whole rib section by himself --- it’s absurd to eat like that!